Sunday, November 14, 2010


I managed to pick up some Vending machines this week, these should make for some good terrain clutter, they will help to make the terrain homely and give it that lived in feeling, I think there is nothing worse than playing on empty unrealistic looking terrain, they should also serve well as something you can push over in front of a door to lock out the invading zombie hordes. 

These vending machines are from K-line, they are actually illuminated vending machines, but I dont think I will go that far(hooking them up to electricity), there is no assembly required they pretty much come straight out of the packet and straight onto your terrain, gotta love that.


Whiteface said...

Wow, I had seen these machines before, but I am surprised that someone actually buys them for his game. They're looking great, but are quite expensive, aren't they?

Whiteface / Oliver

The Extraordinarii said...

Ahhh yeah..... I bought 4 off a guy on ebay, he gave me a discount :) but otherwise you would be right.

The Angry Lurker said...

Good grief,they're nice.

colinmnash said...

They do look really good - a damn sight better than the card ones I've got!

The Extraordinarii said...

Cheers guys, thanks they are nice, should look good on the battlefield.