Battle of Rork's Drift - 28mm |
Little Wars Melb 2012 ran for only one day (Sunday) this is probably Melbournes largest Game convention, which isn't very big by international standards, but is still a good enough game convention to go too, and is the only game convention in my area (beggers cant be chooses), it was held in a German club, club Tivoli, a nice place with a full eating facility and bar, but unfortunately the big hall they had the convention in was dark and dingy, no climate control, so hot and stuffy and too top it off it had shitful lighting, ah well what can you do....
I adjusted my camera settings and started to snap away (apologies about the photos)
Sword Beach, D-Day - 15mm FOW WWII |
Command & Colors Board game conversion
Romans vs Gauls - 28mm |
Many Teddy bears were hurt in the making of this terrain. |
Battle of Waterloo - 15mm FOG Napoleonics |
Charge of the Ice brigade - 28mm Wings of War rules |
Cast of Thousands - 28mm Pulp gaming |
Home Brew rules (no one dies ! WTF ?!) |
Force on Force Afghanistan - 28mm |
I took the time to participate in a Force on Force game, and really enjoyed it, but found that the realism factor was lacking big time, while I was there the US troops radio failed to work like 4-5 times, we (Afghanies) shot 5 US troopers only to have them revived by one of their team mates, and I couldn't help but feel that the game favoured the US heavily, even though in this game the Afghanies put the smack down on the US.
I even managed to score an invite with this local gaming group, well see how that goes.